Friday, February 25, 2011

Questions - please answer, will keep anonymous!

The extraterrestial inhabitants of an unknown planet have made contact with planet earth and now wish to ask a number of questions about the planet they have studied from afar! For the moment they wish to understand social phenomenons and their parallels between the human choice of habitat. Please answer the following questions. Feel free to expand. Answer via 'comments':

1) What makes you comfortable within the environment you're familiar with? (Urban/Rural)
2) What makes you uncomfortable within the environment you're familiar with? (Urban/Rural)
3) What makes you comfortable within the environment you're not familiar with? (Urban/Rural)
4) What makes you uncomfortable within the environment you're not familiar with?(Urban/Rural)
5) Do you remember all of the commercial text and image you see within your environment?
a) If yes, why is it important?
b) If partially, then why are certain areas important?
c) If not at all, then who else do you think the commercial text and image is aimed towards?